Adaptability is a hallmark of good casting. After all, casting conditions are always going to change. Given the numerous bonefishing environments and situations that you’re likely to encounter, you definitely want several, solid casting techniques in your repertoire. Dropping the plane of your cast to one side, whether back casting or forward casting, is …
Wading is the perfect exercise for those who enjoy the hunting aspect of bonefishing. Searching for cruising bones while wading the flats will test your stealth, your vision, and your listening abilities. When done properly, wading can be a very delicate and effective way to land your prey. Following are several tips to help …
There’s obviously more than one way to catch a bonefish. From poling (fishing from the boat), to wading, to simply standing silently on the boat, watching for your chance to make the perfect cast, there are numerous strategies that you can use to pursue this beautiful, stealthy, and incredibly intelligent species. When chasing bonefish on …
Hooking a bonefish is rarely an easy feat. These fish are crafty, they spook easily, and they’re often difficult to spot. Once you’ve finally gotten a big bone on your hook, failing to bring him in is nothing less than heartbreaking. Following are five ways to break off a bonefish, along with a few tips …
Being smart, stealthy, and quick is how big bones live to make it to their impressive sizes. That’s why too many false casts can and will invariably result in disappointment. It’s incredibly tricky to cast to bonefish with a fly rod and reel. Not only do you have to cast accurately and with excellent timing, …
Catch and release fishing has become the norm among responsible fishers who hope to ensure a robust bonefish population for many years to come. To keep these efforts successful, it’s important to minimize the amount of time that bonefish spend out of the water, and to limit overall handling. Many people who travel to Grand …
To ensure robust bonefish populations, catch and release fishing is being promoted as a valuable tool for conservation. This gives bonefishers the chance to flex their skills, capture evidence of their prowess in photos, and return their prey back to the water safely. Unfortunately, however, catch and release techniques are only effective at saving …
At Last, the Secret to Proper Catch & Release is Revealed Read More »
There’s a lot to pay attention to when bonefishing. Choosing the right tide, however, is an important element that many novice bonefishers overlook. Not only do tides have a definite impact on bonefish activity, but they also affect how easy it will ultimately be to get them to bite. Following is everything you need to …
Your ideal bonefishing trip is probably one with moderate weather, mild winds, and plenty of sunshine. In reality, however, some of your time on the flats is likely to be spent in all kinds of conditions. The good news is that the weather doesn’t have to have a negative impact on your haul. Your willingness …
Fly presentation is everything in bonefishing. These are among some of the smartest, stealthiest fish that you’ll ever come across. Moreover, big bones don’t reach their impressive sizes by being willing to fall for anything. Mastering your back cast is a large part of making a good fly presentation. Good back casting, however, is one …