7 Habits Of The Highly Effective Bonefisherman


7 Habits Of The Highly Effective Bonefisherman


Those with the greatest amount of success in catching big bones tend to have a lot in common. Not only are they experienced,but they know which actions consistently produce amazing results. Following are seven habits that every bonefisherman should adopt and that every effective bonefisherman already maintains.

Listen To The Guide

Guides are present for a reason and seasoned, successful bonefisherman recognize the value of listening to these professionals. Guides have sharp, keen eyes and they usually have a far better vantage point for spotting bones that you can’t see. Casting when and where they tell you to and making any modifications in your movements that they recommend will help you start bringing more and bigger fish in.

Make A Short Cast First

A short cast gives effective bonefisherman the chance to catch fish that are right close to the boat. People who are new to the game are often overeager and attempt to cast for fish that are 60 or even 70 feet away. While it doesn’t hurt to have a good long cast, you might have better chance at catching a bone a closer in. If things don’t work out, you can always extend your distance without causing too much disturbance in the areas that matter.

Maintain The Fly In The Water

People who catch bonefish don’t waste their time casting and re-casting, minimize your false-casts. They keep their flies in the water. You can’t catch a fish with your fly in the air. More importantly, the more that you cast; the more likely you are to alert bones of your presence and these fish spook easily. A lot of time can also get wasted by constantly changing your rig. Choose your fly and then stick with your decision. Don’t waste time re-rigging when doing so isn’t likely to have a positive outcome.

Let The Fish Eat

An effective bonefisherman doesn’t set the hook too early. He lets the fish eat instead. Moving too fast will startle the fish and result in a missed opportunity. If you want your fly to look and behave like real food, you have to give the bonefish a reasonable chance to dig in.

Practice Casting

Experienced bonefisherman know that no two flat bottoms are exactly alike. Factor in serious winds and frequently changing wind directions and what you get is a major need for casting practice. Before they even head out on a bonefishing trip, these guys spend time casting into and against the wind, at varying distances and with the goal of hitting their targets spot on. You won’t get many chances to cast and recast, so casting practice is a must if you want to avoid frustration and a lot of wasted money and time.

Check For Knots

Good bonefishers never overlook the importance of typing a good knot. Without fail, when they tie knots, they take a minute to double check them to make sure that they’re both seated correctly and strong. Every knot gets a solid tug and the need to “break one off” rarely arises.

Be Organized

Keeping the gear organized is just as important for stealth as it is for being able to access what’s needed in a flash. Bonefishers who consistently bring in big fish always head out with the right gear and they always keep their gear organized. This limits the amount of fumbling around they have to do, keeps noise at a minimum and allows for quick, sure movements. Every effective bonefisher maintains a tidy, well-stocked gear bag.


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