Bringing a big bonefish in is exciting. Although size and quality don’t always go hand in hand, size is often considered a top determining factor in whether or not a catch is actually prize or pride-worthy. Bigger bones, however, have different attitudes and habits than small bones and thus, catching them requires more stealthy techniques. …
Named in honor of the many, tiny bones within their bodies, bonefish are hardly considered sumptuous fare. In fact, bonefish are virtually inedible. That’s why bonefishing is often an exercise in catch-and-release techniques. Bonefish are smart and stealthy. On sandy flat bottoms, their mirror-like scales function as built-in camouflage. It’s things like these that …
Although there are many species that populate warm temperature flats, bonefish are undoubtedly the most popular. These fish are well-known for their reel-stressing runs, their impressive strength, and the considerable challenge that they pose to even the most seasoned fishers. For anglers who are ready to flex and expand their fishing skills, casting for …
Bonefish are usually found in shallow, saltwater flats. Given the unpredictability of inshore flats fishing, you’ll find yourself confronting something new each and every day that you go out. To effectively rise to the challenges of this ever-changing environment, bonefishers have to have the best tools on hand. Among the greatest of these is the …
When fishing for bones, strip setting is absolutely essential. Having a bonefish take your hook doesn’t mean that you’re guaranteed to bring him in. That’s because these fish have very hard mouths that are almost constantly open. They also chew their food with granular, crushing teeth on their tongue and upper jaw, and in …
Why You Need To Be A Stripper – Benefits Of Strip Setting Read More »
Given just how fast, smart and likely to spook bonefish are known to be, the ability to present your fly quickly and inconspicuously is always key to bringing a big bone in. Beyond having an excellent casting technique and being able to quickly adapt to changes in environmental conditions, you also have to develop …
Adaptability is a hallmark of good casting. After all, casting conditions are always going to change. Given the numerous bonefishing environments and situations that you’re likely to encounter, you definitely want several, solid casting techniques in your repertoire. Dropping the plane of your cast to one side, whether back casting or forward casting, is …
Wading is the perfect exercise for those who enjoy the hunting aspect of bonefishing. Searching for cruising bones while wading the flats will test your stealth, your vision, and your listening abilities. When done properly, wading can be a very delicate and effective way to land your prey. Following are several tips to help …
There’s obviously more than one way to catch a bonefish. From poling (fishing from the boat), to wading, to simply standing silently on the boat, watching for your chance to make the perfect cast, there are numerous strategies that you can use to pursue this beautiful, stealthy, and incredibly intelligent species. When chasing bonefish on …
Hooking a bonefish is rarely an easy feat. These fish are crafty, they spook easily, and they’re often difficult to spot. Once you’ve finally gotten a big bone on your hook, failing to bring him in is nothing less than heartbreaking. Following are five ways to break off a bonefish, along with a few tips …